RAID Data Recovery
RAID, which stands for Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks, as the name suggests, a storage media solution comprised of a number of disks that are combined together to provide end-users with enhanced speed, to increase the security of their data or both. The manner in which these individual drives are combined is not consistent, however, though four separate arrangements are commonly used:
RAID0: Also known as striped RAID, RAID0 arrays are used solely to increase performance.
This is achieved by splitting data into even segments on to disks present in the array. Whilst this results in increased performance, it offers no additional protection against data loss and, should a single drive fail, all data will become inaccessible.
RAID1: RAID1 arrays commonly referred to as mirrored RAID due to their setup are used to increase the security of the data stored on them. Here, two or more drives are included in the array with each existing as a duplicate of the other.
RAID5: These arrays are designed in order to both improved performance and security. It utilizes striping like a RAID0 but can tolerate the failure of one disk thanks to what is known as parity whereby data that is stored on one disk is partially written to all others allowing any lost data to be rebuilt in the event of a drive failing.
RAID6: RAID6 arrays utilize the same principles as those seen in RAID5 arrays, but, as it increases the amount of storage space dedicated to parity data, can tolerate the failure of two drives rather than just one.